at Amarillo College
What is a Bible Chair?
The term “Bible Chair” is an adaption of a term commonly used in colleges and universities. A “chair” can be established in any department to draw students due to the subject matter or the professor teaching in that position. In Amarillo the Bible Chair is not directly on campus but nearby and funded entirely by churches and individuals. Students can obtain an associate degree in religion accredited by Amarillo College. Amarillo Bible Chair is the only Chair at Amarillo College that teaches Bible courses for credit toward a religion degree. The academic classes are taught by William Mural Worthey. These students can then transfer to a university and pursue a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in religion.
The History of the Amarillo Bible Chair
The Amarillo Bible Chair was founded in 1972 by Gordon Downing and the San Jacinto church of Christ in Amarillo. Brother Downing directed the activities of the Bible Chair for four years, and the San Jacinto church has continued their support of the work for almost fifty years (1972-2022). We have had three churches in Amarillo oversee the Bible Chair over this period. They are San Jacinto church of Christ, Comanche Trail church of Christ, and Bell Avenue church of Christ. We have had a number of directors over the years. Following Gordon Downing, they are Dean Morgan, Wayne Wilks, Jerry Klein, Wyatt Fenno, Mark Johnson, Bobby Boaldin, Frank Bellizzi, Jerry Klein (second term), and Mural Worthey.
The Amarillo Bible Chair facility is located at 2501 S Jackson Street, across the street from Amarillo College. The building is used for students to gather for Christian fellowship, counseling, devotionals, lectures, Bible classes, fellowship meals, and to extend our presence and Christian influence among Amarillo college students, staff and community. We also host a Christian Club on campus known as Kappa Chi, which stands for Christian fellowship. William Mural Worthey is the director of the Amarillo Bible Chair.
Director's Report
Our Fall (1) term is quickly coming to an end. This week is the seventh week in our eight-week session. We have 20 students taking Introduction to the New Testament, 12 taking Revelation, and 20 taking Romans. That is 52 taking Bible classes for the Fall term.
In addition, I am teaching three classes in Philosophy and World Religions with 68 enrolled. These are an important part of the study of religion and the role of Scripture. Getting to know the students and helping them to understand Scripture in a divided religious world is my goal. A few of our students are taking the studies as “honor classes.” They are required to do additional assignments in the class to be so classified. For example, students may do research in the area of the development of the canon of Scripture.
We appreciate greatly the faithfulness of our supporters who make this work possible. Recently, the Golden Plains Church of Christ in Amarillo has committed to monthly support. They have been very helpful over the years, providing food for our weekly lunches. Members there have attended several of our summer audit classes. We welcome them as regular supporters beginning in October. Thank you for your commitment! Several families from Bell have given memorials to honor members and support the Chair. Thank you!
Norma and Mural Worthey (pictured at left). Mural has been the Bible Chair Director since the summer of 2017. Mural serves as sponsor of Kappa Chi, our Christian club on campus; he teaches Bible classes at the Bible Chair and also is an instructor in the Philosophy Department of AC.
Kappa Chi
Kappa Chi has a strong presence on the Amarillo College campus, currently averaging 40 members. Kappa (K) is the first letter in the Greek word for fellowship, and Chi (X) is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ. Thus, Kappa Chi stands for “Fellowship in Christ.”
Membership is open to any AC student who wants to be a member. There are no dues; but the members are expected to help pay for the parties, retreats and trips in which they choose to participate. Club t-shirts are available for purchase. Send an email to if you would like to join the club. . Mural Worthey is the faculty sponsor.
On Tuesdays of the regular semester, we have a lunch meal for our Kappa Chi students and enjoy fellowship with one another. This gives us an opportunity to talk about biblical subjects. New students often ask about the meaning of a Bible Chair and how we function on a state college campus.
Our Kappa Chi Club meets at the Bible Chair every Tuesday at noon for lunch, devotional and fellowship. This gives us an opportunity to talk about biblical subjects. New students often ask about the meaning of a Bible Chair and how we function on a state college campus. There are approx. 40 students who have signed up for the club. We use this time to get to know one another outside of class. Students are from various religious and cultural backgrounds. The Bible Chair is a teaching Chair offering a degree program.